
Named for the historic 10thcentury Ranthambhore fortress contained within its boundaries, this national park is one of the largest animal preserves in all of India. It is known for its large population of tigers and leopards as well as many species of mammals, reptiles and birds. The park consists of dry deciduous forests with mixed grassland areas and numerous small bodies of water supporting the 539 species of flowering plants. Visitors can participate in interactive wildlife viewings which take place twice daily via a multitude of jeeps as they scurry about the dusty roads in search of photo-worthy creatures. Due to the extreme temperatures surrounding the middle of the day, safaris take place at dawn and at dusk thus allowing both the animals and their human visitors to take a relaxing and much needed nap during the warmer midday periods. Although the big cats can be elusive, the tiger population here is so accustomed to jeeps in the park that they may very well come out to investigate the visitors to satisfy their own curiosity. Some of the more intriguing nearby lodgings can take the form of tented accommodations where guests can relax in luxuriously rustic and spacious rooms while the canvas walls rustle gently in the warm evening breezes.